Becoming retarded

We’re becoming retarder… We laugh at nothing.

We’re becoming more unfocused… We throw crappy adulations for each other

We’re becoming crazier… We have no idea where this meaningless conversation come to an end

We’re becoming needy… Can’t spend a day without hearing some cheerful talkative voice in the end of the line

We’re becoming….

Gosh… I miss him already! I’m in a high need !!

– Crazy Gee –

PS: I think I will delete this entry someday if I think this entry has gone too far from sanity. Coz now… I’m still crazy enough to dare put this and be read by you all guyz…

12 thoughts on “Becoming retarded

  1. Oh iya wed,gw dah denger Sopor Aeternus mmm lumayan juga,tapi gw gak ada denger distorsi gitar ma hentakan double-pedal drum yang bisa bikin gw headbanging,tapi it's ok… musiknya unik, dominan suara keyboard/synthetizer sama electric drum,jadi musiknya lebih ke electronic gitu atau lebih tepatnya Darkwave… untuk indonesianya loe musti coba Kubik, Silent Sun sama apa yaa umm Sieve (dah mati kayaknya nih band)…Koil,nah kalo yg ini lebih ke arah2 NIN ato Rammstein deh,bagus kalo menurut aku…:-)

  2. I know Koil…and I dont like them. Ngga tau knp, suka sebel klo disama2in sama Rammstein..Jelas2 kerenan Rammstein kemana2…

    Emang musik sopor bukan buat headbanging sih, hehehe…Tapi klo malem2 loe mo mimpi buruk mending lagu nina boboknya ya sopor ini, wakakakak

  3. eheheh….iya deh gak usah marah.gimanapun juga orang indo masih dibawah pengaruh band influence-nya tentunya,maybe 5 or 10 years later one of Indonesian band become a famous band with the new style of music,who knows??! πŸ™‚

    Buat lullaby,kayaknya lebih enak dininabobokin ma suara loe deh ;-))

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